Local Function App


In this chapter we will create a local function app and take a closer look at its files.

Before we create our first Function App, let me point out an important distinction between the terms Azure Functions, Functions, Function App and function:

Azure Functions, Functions and Function App are used interchangeably in the documentation and refer to Azure's serverless compute service or more specific its runtime environment, whereas a function or functions (lower case) refer to a block of code executed in the runtime environment.

Install the Azure Function Core Tools

Azure Functions Core Tools let you develop and test your functions on your local computer from the command prompt or terminal. Your local functions can connect to live Azure services, and you can debug your functions on your local computer. You can even deploy a Function App to your Azure subscription.

Install the Azure Function Core Tools via the node package manager (npm):

npm install -g azure-functions-core-tools@4 --unsafe-perm true

Check if you can execute the func command:

func --version

Note: If you can't execute the func command, check the output from the installation command and your PATH environment variable.

Create a Function App

To create a new Function App in a directory called function-app-demo, type:

func init function-app-demo --worker-runtime node --language typescript

Change to the newly created directory and browse the devDependencies section in the package.json file. If the package @types/node is not installed in version 18 update it with:

npm install -D @types/node@18

Note: We're using the types for @types/node@18, because the version should match with the Node.js version mentioned in prerequisites.

The Function App's files

Let's take a look at the Function App-specific files in our new app.

The host.json

The host.json metadata file contains configuration options that affect all functions in a function app instance.

Browsing the file contents, you will notice two different version statements. The first one (root level) defines the Function Runtime version and the second one defines the Extension Bundle version.

Function Runtime, as the name implies, specifies the runtime version for the function. The runtime version defined in the host.json can be misleading, though, because it's specified as either version 1 or version 2 where the latter effectively means version 2 and above. The actual runtime version is defined by the Azure Functions Core Tools we're using.

Extension bundles are a way to add a pre-defined set of compatible binding extensions to your function app.

🛠 TASK: Update the extension bundle version

Update the extensionBundle version to version 4.


Check out the documentation.


The extensionBundle definition in the host.json should now look like:

  "extensionBundle": {
    "id": "Microsoft.Azure.Functions.ExtensionBundle",
    "version": "[4.0.0, 5.0.0)"

The local.settings.json

The local.settings.json represents the App settings for your local environment, which contain configuration options that affect all functions for that function app. These settings are accessed as environment variables.

As of now the file doesn't contain too many settings. However, there is a setting for our language worker runtime (FUNCTIONS_WORKER_RUNTIME) which corresponds to the language runtime being used in your application (in our case Node).

The .funcignore

A function app may contain language-specific files and directories that shouldn't be published. Excluded items are listed in the .funcignore file in the root directory.

Note: The file already includes the directories of the dev dependencies in our package.json file and a test directory. If you add further dependencies, you should make sure they are listed in the .funcignore file. This is something to keep in mind as it might slow down the publishing of new versions considerably if you upload test frameworks or other unwanted (and possibly large) dependencies to Azure.