
This book is created with mdBook.


As of now, there's just one for Azure Functions. If time allows, however, I'll add more.

How to work with the book

Select headlines as anchors

You can select headlines as anchors just by clicking on them. This will give a deep link to specific headline and I recommend it if you take a break or want to reference a specific part of the training.

Code blocks

Code blocks, commands and output snippet are embedded like:

  "this": "is a json example"

You can copy the code block into your local clipboard to allow pasting into another application.


The book contains certain tasks where you're expected to do something. Some of them are marked as optional.

Tasks are marked like this: 🛠 TASK.

Task come with hints and solutions, but the former is optional. Just click on the text to reveal what's hidden.


This is a hint!


This is the solution!


Chapters might also contain quizzes.

A quiz is marked like this: Quiz

Quizzes are simple Q&As and work exactly like tasks.

Local use

You can also clone the repository and use mdBook locally.


If you encounter any errors or have any questions, open up a ticket on GitHub.

Also, if you'd like to add trainings yourself, feel free to reach out to me.